Hello, soul friend! I'm thrilled to meet you. My name is Gülnur, which means 'holy-lighted rose' in Turkish. I'm basically a soul having a human experience on Earth, just like you. Apart from that, the closest words and identities that help me introducing myself can be a humanoid, starseed, heartworker, visionary; and from a more labelled perspective--an introverted empath/psychic/highly-sensitive person. I know the struggle of the human journey both as a non-awakened and awakened introverted HSP and lightworker. From my perspective, both phases have their own challenges, and it’s definitely not easy to endure this alone. In my own journey, basically most of my childhood and teenage years were spent in confusion with existential crisis, inner conflicts, a deep sense of longing, homesickness, not fitting in to this world but still trying to find a place for myself, experiencing disappointment and failure again and again in all areas of my life, having constant breakdowns… As a result of these, my spiritual awakening hit in 2021; right after the tower moments starting with a sudden (but very prolonged) ending of a long-term karmic relationship, redirecting my career path, feminine physical imbalances/illnesses as a result of my mind-body-soul dissonance, and dealing with constant family health issues eventually ending with my father's death. Now I'm on another chapter of this ascension journey with my twin flame awakening. I can’t count the amount of healing work and shadow work I’ve done, and the dark nights of the soul I endured before and after my spiritual awakening, twin flame awakening and ascension journey. For a long while, nothing seemed to change in my external reality. Because I forgot that I am still a human currently living on Earth, as well as an infinite being. And once you are awakened, this journey has no end or destination point. We’re always healing and evolving to a deeper version of ourselves purely aligned with Love. We only need to trust our paths and surrender. And then everything is meant to unfold in divine order with ease and peace. How beautiful is this? Therefore, your Dharma is your whole existence; not just your career, not just your verbally explained mission, not just your gifts and abilities. There’s no destination. There’s no promise of external manifestations holding answers to questions like “what,” “when,” “where,” and “how.” One thing remains: The more our consciousness expands, the more we are able to connect the dots in our lives (both with those areas related to this lifetime and other parallel lives) to see clearly where we’ve been sabotaging our highest potential and connection with our Hearts and the Divine Love. As we are born in this world which is mostly programmed on materiality, superficial perspectives of intelligence, false definitions and narratives of such divine concepts like love, joy, passion, courage, trust, strength, power, respect, abundance, freedom etc., you can feel how our innate inner gifts are needed more than ever to be recognized, owned by our own selves, and shared with each other. And with that inner calling to be of service to both my soul and humanity to heal and evolve together; I’m here to remind you of the love you already have with all that you are—to rediscover yourself, meet your Heart and Soul, and let it guide you to your Dharma. In order to support this enormous transformation that your soul is ready to have, I’d be honored to serve as a conduit between your beautiful soul and the eternal life force for a multidimensional alignment, with any of these coaching or quantum/multidimensional energy healing/alchemy modalities (Usui Reiki, Sekhem Reiki, Inner Speak, Compassion Key etc.) if you are called to experience. Remember, you are the door. And you are the key. But you are not what is behind that door. Namaste… I honour the love within you. 🤍