Member-only story
“Everything is the opposite of what it appears to be, nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be.” – The importance of devotion to inner healing to return home
Whether we are consciously aware or not, our human lives are often fraught with challenges, pain, and a pervasive sense of unworthiness that seem inexplicable on the surface. These struggles, however, can be traced back to a profound subconscious or unconscious relationship with God, despite external reflections. As we journey through life as seemingly separate beings, we forget our divine nature and the unconditional love bestowed upon us by Mother and Father God. This forgetfulness and perceived separation from the divine source underpin our problems starting from our relationship to God, then to our inner selves, and then to our second halves of creation (twin flames) and if that part has not been activated yet, to other external relationships and conditions based on basic human life structure.
Our world is built on transactional, contextual, conceptual, presumptive, and reactive realities. These constructs are artificially designed to keep us imprisoned in a matrix of toxic, tech-driven intelligence imprinted in human DNA during a phase of devolution.
This systemic programming perpetuates our separation from God and reinforces our feelings…